Public Writing

Common Witness/Témoignage Commun

“True partnership is based on solid relationship. When there is a lack of relationship, patterns of paternalism and dependency emerge. Through this book David Yoder Neufeld offers an encouraging example of what happens when–in the framework of relationship–evangelism and church planting are combined with significant social work in a context of intercultural cooperation.

–César García, General Secretary, Mennonite World Conference

“David Yoder Neufeld has written an inspiring case study on how a North American mission successfully developed a postcolonial partnership with an indigenous ministry, overcoming cultural, linguistic, urban, and dependency challenges. Pregnant with historical data, Common Witness generates insights for mission today by demonstrating how Mennonite Board of Missions and Mission Mennonite Française negotiated the balance between evangelism and social projects and rural and urban identities, while promoting mutual respect, trust, and accountability in a common mission, affirming that without diversity there cannot be unity, only uniformity.”

–Darrell L. Whiteman, Interim Executive Director, Overseas Ministry Studies Center

Review in Mennonite Quarterly Review

Contributions to Anabaptist Historians

My regular contributions to this collaborative blog can be found here: